May 6, 2010


The hubby has been on vacation this week, not to mention our condo has been upgrading the hydro systems, therefore we've had no power or water during business hours for the majority of the week, hence with a baby this makes existing at home almost impossible.

This has forced us to get out of the house for the majority of the week...this is a good thing, right? Well, I'm freakin' pooped, and Adelaide is just pissed off that she hasn't been able to sit on her play-mat all week and just PLAY. Yeah, i'd be pissed too.

Anyways, we ending up in Niagara on the Lake the other day, and I had a chance to play around with the old digital keep in mind I have NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING, i'm just shooting stuff I like, or that I think looks pretty, whatever.

Yes, I realize this has absolutely NOTHING to do with decor, or design, but since I'm a super-duper fan of photographers worldwide, I thought i'd share with you what I envy in those super-duper talented photographers out there.

I know that sentence made no sense either. Remember I've had no toilet this week outside of a Tim Horten's or McDonald's.

All photos edited in TiltShift Generator

1 comment:

Pangaea said...

Ah, lucky for you, it is impossible to take a bad photo of a cherry tree in blossom or a cute baby! Hope your waterworks are turned back on soon!