January 12, 2010


Sometimes I swear I want to throw the laptop out the window!

The laptop is back where it should be, on our desk, now home from being serviced. Not sure what happened, but I somehow fried a driver last week. Can you say MELTDOWN??? I didn't realize how dependant I was on this piece of metal until it broke on me!

Thankfully, we have an old desktop that still works for emergencies such as this one, so I was able to keep up with most of my email, Twitter, and Facebook, but blogging on a desktop from 2002 is HARD. Oh my how slow it is. 7 minutes to upload 1 photo. Yes, that's right, 7 minutes! ARGH!

Any-who, I'm back. 200% back. And I'm so glad you are all still here! I missed you!

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