The weather in my city has been particularly gloomy this year, so being cooped up inside with Adelaide for the past 4 weeks hasn't been too bad after all.
Today, however, it looks as if it may be a better day! The sun is shining, it's not too hot nor too humid, in fact I think I may just venture out into my neighbourhood today with the little one to our local cafe for an iced tea or coffee. Hopefully August will give us better weather!
Are you enjoying the photographs in this post? All of these beautiful pieces of art are by Montreal photographer Bomobob (unfortunately I can't find his read name anywhere!). You can see his full photography collection at his Etsy shop. He also has blog, and an absolutely gorgeous collection of photos on his Flickr page.
How has your summer been so far? Hopefully the weather is better where you live!
Happy Monday Everyone!
(all photos by bomobob)